
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

And This is How My Day Started....

I'm a snooze button gal. Every morning the alarm rings at 6:40 and I hit 'snooze' again and again until 7:00 or 7:10. Since Jack usually doesn't have to be up until 7:45 or so, he finds this somewhat annoying (no idea why). This morning, I actually got up after hitting snooze once because Spot was asking to go out anyway. I took him out and then decided to snooze on the couch for a few more minutes. I was joined by my darling cat, Kitty.

Now, I've shared my home with Kitty for 8 years, and with Spot for 5 and a half, so as you might imagine, I've had my fair share of gross or unappealing pet-related experiences (Spot just peed on the recycling last week, for example - indoors). But what happened this morning takes the cake. Kitty was walking all over me making sure I was petting her in just the right places when all of a sudden I smelled something that wasn't so pleasant. "(Sniff, sniff, sniff), what is that?", I asked myself. Then for some reason I decided to touch my face - I don't know why. It was simultaneously a good and bad decision. The bad part of the decision was that in touching my face I got cat poo on my hand. The good part is that I got cat poo OFF MY FACE. Kitty must not have cleaned up very well after dropping her last deuce, and somehow managed to leave the remnants of that last potty visit on my cheek. In a state of shock, I rushed to the bathroom, turned on the light and checked my face for more poop (I hope that is the only time I ever say those words). Seeing none, I washed the watery brown goo off my hand with an excess of soap. Then I did the same to my face - soap, soap, soap it up!

Given that Jack sometimes thinks my pets are difficult to deal with, part of me didn't want to tell him what had happened. But the bigger part of me - the part that had just gotten cat poop on her face and needed to tell someone - won. I ran upstairs, woke him up, and told him this story. Then, despite my many assurances that I had scrubbed my face excessively, he refused to kiss me goodbye. Rude, don't you think?!

His love is so conditional.


Mj said...

This is just like the Seinfeld toothbrush in the toilet episode. I hope he is eventually able to kiss you again!

Mj said...

The other good news is that after all you have been through as a parent to pets, parenting children will be a breeze. :)

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend wouldn't have kissed me other. Stupid boys.

Amanda said...

Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew. I side with Jack on this one. I wouldn't have kissed you either.

Jack and Jill said...

MJ - I haven't seen that episode in ages! It was a good one.

MJ - Slow down!! :-)

AMINDI - A little poop keeps them away from us? Rude!

AMANDA - But there was no poop on my face at all!! I swear!


Megan said...

My boyfriend and I have to keep babywipes in the house because our kitten routinely doesn't clean his ass...the only time we don't have to wipe him is when our other cat cleans him...which is equally as gross...

LWLH said...

Eww, sorry Jill, but I wouldn't be kissing kitty pooped face either..that's just nasty.

Danielle said...

Haha, that is so gross, yet so something I can relate to after having had a pet for 14 years.

Aren't they precious?

Devyl Gyrl said...

Ok not only did you share with Jack (who was, btw, completely justified in not kissing your actual skin, but who should have simply created a 'dental damn' out of plastic wrap), but then you came and told us.

Are you a glutton for punishment? I mean, srsly. Couldn't you pretend someone else had this happen?

You said watery - EW. I hope kitty is okay and you've had no more poo spills where they should not be.
