Well, maybe I spoke to soon? Perhaps I’m not as progressive as I thought…because I just can't seem to get on board with mantyhose.
Fellas, am I being conservative or do mantyhose cross the line?
Ladies, what would your reaction be if your man started rockin’ some hosiery?
lol...I would freak out a little. Im all for expressing yourself but that takes it a but too far.
Plus... I dont think he would look good.. his legs arnt toned enough
Honey, I think you should avoid the mantyhose. I enjoy briefs, but this is taking it a little too far.
Also, "hoisery" is an incredibly difficult word to say. I always say it funny...like "hoy-zer-ee" or "hoys-sure-y". I'm SMRT.
Um. . . no. Just no.
As with the other 2, it's just taking it a little too far. A bit too weird even for my standards.
I heard about this on the radio and could only shake my head.
"Mantyhouse? Really? Really?!"
And right now I have the lyrics to Brad Paisley's "I'm Still A Guy" going through my mind.
Uh... what? These are real things?!?
But... why? Are they going to wear skirts? Is it for Scotsmen to wear under their kilts???
No no. I have dated enough gay men to know that I just don't need any more reasons to question their sexuality!
Answer: if the guy was in Poison, or was 1982 David Lee Roth, then it would be okay.
Under no other circumstances would it be acceptable. Not even if it's intended to be ironic.
Sorry that just ain't kewl. Why would a guy want to wear pantihose anyway? They're uncomfortable? And like can't you just wear long pants if you're getting cold?
It's hot for my guy to wear mascara. But the hosiery thing is just gay.
Don't. Do it.
And if you're currently doing it: Stop. Doing it.
Er, what is a mantyhose exactly?..
That visual of Jack made me cackle. ROTF!!
I rebuke mantyhose (and murses) in the name of man-law
It would be OVER.
That not only crosses the line, it poughs it up and sprinkles it with salt so nothing will ever grow there again!
Stay away from them!
I guess they might be good for playing tug of war with Spot, though!
They're used often in athletics and the service...they're good for your circulation, help prevent chafing and even help to keep your legs warm.
But I still think it's funny to see a guy wearing them.
the japanese consider men's bras as the new thing in fashion.. not kidding, look http://www.reuters.com/article/lifestyleMolt/idUSTRE4AK20620081121
stay far away from the mantyhose and men's bras is my advise to all men!
It's amazing how intolerant you poor souls are. Had you people actually studied history, you would have found out that men wore tights back in the Middle Ages. You people have been brainwashed by the fudged up religious wackos. Pantyhose was reinvented long after men simply abandoned legwear. When men can wear ear rings, pink shirts, and even make up and when women can wear everything men can wear, I see nothing wrong with men wearing tights. It doesn't make him "gay" or "girlie". In fact, gays don't wear tights. As for looks, get over it. I see a lot of male athletes wearing them too. Besides, if men wore tights, there'd be fewer men staring at women's legs in tights and women would actually stop hating the idea of wearing tights because then they'd look at tights for health and comfort more than fashion. You people need to grow up.
Thanks for pointing out the health and comfort benefits. As for how funny it looks on a man, it depends on how the man is dressed overall IMO. As a guy, I don't wear short shorts and especially when I'm wearing pantyhose under my legs. In fact, unless someone looks way down at my legs, no one says anything against me wearing it, joke or criticism wise. In fact, most folks surprisingly tell me that my legs look more manly with pantyhose on than just looking bare-legged.
I concur. I find these people's remarks very silly and childish in nature. There is nothing "gay" or "feminine" about a guy wearing pantyhose. Sadly, these people are brainwashed into believing the same old media crap about women looking "sexy" in pantyhose to the point of misunderstanding men as "gay" for wearing them. Just because Jack doesn't like wearing pantyhose doesn't mean that men shouldn't wear them. I can't say though whether it was just himself or his wife who was the judgemental one against the idea. Looking at the picture, Jack actually looked more masculine with them on than without but he's most likely used to the fixed framing that "pantyhose is for women only". What is pantyhose? It's nothing more than nylon and spandex and there's nothing specifically feminine or masculine about it. It's not as if he's wearing a bra or a skirt which would be two different and seperate matters.
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