
Monday, April 20, 2009

We're Off to Hawaii!

Jack and I have had a trip to Hawaii planned for several months now. We leave later today and will be enjoying the island of Oahu for 8 luxurious days. The first 5 days will also involve my entire family, and will mark the longest continuous stretch of time Jack has spent with them. It may also mark the end of "Jack and Jill" as we now know it. Coincidence? Hard to say.

I'm kidding. I mean, Jack keeps saying things like "as soon as we get past this trip we can break up!" which I think is a joke, but you never really know with him.
I assure you I have no intention of letting that happen, considering Jack has tickets for several kickass shows in May. After that, we'll see.

Any any rate, we're gone for 9 days, and had fully intended on scheduling some posts for while we're gone, but wouldn't you know it, we didn't really get around to that. HOWEVER, we will be updating Twitter while we're gone, so you should totally check that out. Try not to miss us too much! I'll let you know if I'm able to get Jack to go snorkeling - he's even more afraid of the ocean than I am, which is saying something. An island vacation is perfect for people like us, isn't it?



LWLH said...

Have fun guys! :)

Mara said...

Aloha! Have a great time!

Anonymous said...

What are those circular blobs you both are standing in? Shadows? WTF?

Anonymous said...

I couldn't be more jealous...

Have fun!!!

Emily said...

you guys are so adorably dysfunctional. reminds me alot of my own relationship. lol

have fun!!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy! Make sure you don't bring back any lava rock - they say it's bad luck!


shazzam said...

just tell him you're breaking up with him in HI, so he'll have to spend the rest of the vacation with you and your family.

Devyl Gyrl said...

I've been reading your tweets. life is a beach!
